Monday, January 7, 2013

As the world turns

My life these past few months seems to be kinda like a never ending re-run one day to the next. In truth I needed this. I needed a break from the constant stress and unending blender that our lives had been thrown into back in South carolina. Living in Texas has been wonderful in helping me find a sort of peace and quiet I really needed.

   Back in SC, 2012 was a nightmare it seemed like everytime I turned around something terrible was happening. Then we landed here on my own little farm in the north of Texas and life has come to a pleasant stand still.

  Thank God for the fact I have a wonderful husband that doesn't seem to mind I am pretty much a lump of human meat that moves from the bed to the couch and Wa LA! I have completed my trick! I don't get out of bed most days until after 10am. On the days I have one of my dreaded doctor appointments and must get out of bed, I usually crash before 8pm. I have been this way since we got here and it is wonderful.

   There are no horrible neighbors that bother me. I haven't had any huge medical scares (knock on wood) and I can finally raise the chickens that complete my life :) On the 15th we will have lived here 6 months. I am pleased with Texas and I really can't believe it's been 6 months already. Now if I can stay "stable" in cancer terms I oly have 3 and half more years until FLORIDA!!!! Airforce willing of course :D

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